Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sri Lanka should find a spinner for Murali

Muttiah Muralitharan, retired from test cricket after taking 800 wickets.
Now Sri Lanka cricket should start new life without Muralitharan.There are few
upcoming spinners like Ajantha Mendia,Suraj Randiv & Rangana Herath.Ajantha Mendis. Started his career with a huge reputation, now he is struggling a bit to take wickets. Ajantha should have improved his wicket tacking ability and come to the rhythem.Newly found spinner of Sri Lanka Suraj Randiv is good in ODIS yet to start Test cricket.Rangan Herath is also a good spinner in and out to the national team, he also should improve his career.Malinga Bandara,Sachithra Senanayake,Seekkuge Prasanna are also capable bowlers. The Selecting Committee should have given those new bowlers more chances and find one or two bowler who can drag the Sri Lankan team to the victory like Muttiah Muralitharan did for the last 15 years.

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